Friday 23 October 2009

DEVELOPING...not gone far

I haven't managed to create allot of work this week, again try to find my momentum!!! WHERE HAS IT GONE??????????? i just cant seem to snap out of a bubble that is surrounding me which has almost paralysed me into doing no work.
I have got told I need to look at other avenues to how to use my leather. I haven't yet and just being using it already like I have it. looking into distressing and maybe laser cutting would be a good idea.
I'm quiet behind now and not getting allot done has managed to get my development slow and giving me less time now, let hope for a better week next week.....reading week so it may give me time to clear my head.

Thursday 8 October 2009


GH Leathers came in and found it clarified I want to work with leather. I didn't buy any as I had got even tones but it was interesting to see what it would look like played round with. they had allot of distressed, foiled and paint leather it was nice to touch and feel what it looks like!

I did but some fur for me..which was lovely.. maybe for final major project!!! Find web page below..check it out!

Monday 5 October 2009

Balenciaga S/S10

Strucutre. This is where my strengths lay, and I looked a various desingers show casing this. Along side this, I looked at Balenciaga,(below) This collection showcased immense detail on on mixing different fabrics and panneling them aside. I particularly liked the mix of leather, satin and shiny silk fabrics, and the contrast it created of matt and shiny, which is somthing which I will take forward into my design ideas.

Looking at sheer trends for S/S11 from other designers helped me see how it could be used. embelishment, and talioring with this fabirc is something which intrests me and which I will develop and in corparate within my designs.


I'm still ill but back at uni and a week behind!!

To be honest finding it very hard to adapt to this project. I feel very tired and lost and just don't have the heart to carry anything forward. I think this may be due to me working all summer! As much as I loved my experience...I had to work 7days keeping my job going to. It was tough and at times need to learn that going full steam ahead wont necessarily get you the furthest in the long run! I'm paying the price now.

Saturday 3 October 2009


I'm going to be producing a collection for INDIGO, Paris S/S 10. I'm very excited about this, as I did this last year and was happy with the collection I had produced but have to say I'm not feeling the best as i went home on the first day of uni.... i was exhausted and felt the walls closing in and had to got home. I think I have the flu alongside just being very tired and going to work from home for a week and get regenerated!

I got given alot of leather this summer by my dear friend Mark- who is the head fitter at harrods who I work with. So for that reason his year, the direction I have taken is to use leather as the main body of my work. As leather can look very hard and harsh, I have decided to mix it with sheer and flowing fabrics such as silks and sheer organza. This will give a good balance of hard and soft. I wanted to incorporate tailoring in this collection as this is where my strengths lie and have decided to draw designs that will consist of sheer tailoring, with leather trimmings.