Tuesday 23 March 2010

MP progression

I was really pleased with my line up and after toil on stand for weeks, I was ready to make my final collection!!! I still have toil 2 more outfits and but I feel for my time keeping, im ready to start making, and when I have completed the fisrt lot..I will then start to toil the other two. I have brought majority of my materials but again will have to buy . I feel the fabric I have chose really refects the collection, and im really excited to bring my collection to life..Finally!!!

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Research-Metal work- Companies

As Part of my final line up, I'm going to have metal work Incorporated into my work. I need to find a company that will do this for me. I found it very hard as many company's that's use metal laser cutting is for more large buildings, therefore would cost me allot more to get it done. I managed to get a company who is near me to get it done which I'm very pleased bout.
Its called MCS Engineering, Fabrication located in Colchester, Website bellow.

This is the piece I want to get done along with another. I have cut all the pieces in card and then wil give it to them to cut out and use as a pattern.

Friday 12 March 2010


Trousers with a deep insert side pocket, classicly straight with a crease line. Ankle length

Sleeve with pleat design.

Pleated collar- this was scraped as I felt it wasnt working well

Dress with panelling detail

These are some of my toils I have done in development of my patterns for my final line up.
I think they have developed well, but allot of changes do need to be made to the pattern before a final draft pattern can be created. I find it easier to toil on stand and flat pattern cut at the same time, sharing both disciplines and to finally produce a outcome. I'm pretty impatient, so I have to toil it as I go along!! I feel they area all strong designs to produce confidently. There is one design after producing the toil( the pleated neck collar) that I will not do this and have scraped it in my final line up and have replaced it with another design I like. This was all part of the development process and after producing it, I felt it did not fit in with the line up and it looked out of place. After drawing up a new line up I was pleased with what i decided!

JEWELLERY-Dries Van Norton

I love this jewellery and I'm hoping to do some for my collection. I think this is such an effective way of doing it...using usual shapes and loading on to an black string or ribbon. Beautiful!!!!

Wednesday 3 March 2010

More dresse with metal fabrication. I like the shapes created here.

Metal dresses

This is an extreme of what metal can do. Although I like the shapes created i would not want to achieve this look as i find it to bulky and not tasteful enough.

Metal dress- Researching

As Im using metal..I researched aot of pieces that had metal incorparated in the outfit. Its was a hard task to find, as I some inages and outifits I found were very clumsey and not beautifuly crafted.
Its very hard to use metal in a tastful mannor and not make it look very bulky.
This a Paco Rabanne metal dress.
This is beautifully crafted, looking danty and wearble.
I love the use of the metal and how its cut in small squares linked to give shape to the sillhoute