Sunday 23 May 2010


got my meatl back this week!! and im so happy with will follow ones i put it together im really happy with it and the look amazing...check out the toil i did for it...

Monday 10 May 2010


I did a 10 min presentation today! I was so disappointed how it had turned out. I was up virtually all night doing it and it was very tiring. I wasn't clear enough by making the conversation flow smoothly. We had to do it on our finally project and future goals. It was really frustrating because I knew what i was saying and was confident with my future outcome hopes but just didn't get them across. Thankfully the tutors hopefully saw through it.

It is great practice as its almost what you would have to do in an interview situation so it prepares you for the real work. It also teaches how to get your ideas and communication across smoothly to a board of people!
It wasnt as good as I hoped but it did cover everything so I was pleased about that. Last ever so yeah!!

Saturday 8 May 2010

Brochure for final collection

We got to see a sneak preview of our final collection brochure for the college. I liked it allot and felt it was a strong brochure . we each had a tab of colour that would come out of our image and across the page. The colour was determined by our final photo by David lam as they are the ones going in the booklet. I had a gold strip..but felt it wasn't to gold rather a murky green! but its hard to get a pure metal looking gold so had to deal with it! I did look at other pantone colours that were available but decided not to change it

Friday 7 May 2010


This sleeve was little tricky until Claudette- a pattern cutting tutor showed me hoe easy it really was!!! I was pleased to now this in my future development of pattern cutting. I feel it works well, but need to be lowered slight and will have stiffening inside to keep its shape

Monday 3 May 2010


We got our photos back last weds and I was so nervous as I hadn't a clue where other people did have a slight idea what theirs would look like!

I was so pleased with the out come. I loved my shoot and felt it worked really well. Saying that, I would have had more of a full shot as I wanted but he explained it was for the benefit of the cape I have designed, to show that off more. I also wished her hair was tied back but I'm am really pleased with it.