Sunday 10 January 2010


I started work experience with hand and lock this week. It was great to see the workshop and the hand work was amazing.! I was quiet nervous,as I started to get all the feeling i had when I was at Burberry..get worried i would get demotivated once back at uni, but it was like that at all! I loved being there for the week and it was great to how they worked still using the traditional methods..just like Savile row tailoring so i could relate with the process.

Originally i was under the impression that I would get the chance to do more hand work..and try out processes, but soon found out that i was doing allot of errands. I was in a pickle! As much as I appreciated the fact they gave me this opportunity...i just didn't want to be a mail lady for the week so i decided to enrol in the school of gold work for a day and learn the techniques on how to do gold work instead of working the full 2weeks next week, but offered Sana the studio manager to do till Weds.
. I felt this was best all round as I just need to weigh up what was more important in the long run. I thought initially that it would be a gamble but I would get expedience on how to do gold work...but when i knew i wasn't going to happen i didn't want to waste my uni time for technically doing nothing there. so following next week Monday i will attend it...cant wait!!!

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