Saturday 10 April 2010


I think this image is great with position of the arm, as mine to has a arm statement piece. the position of the model is something that i like here!

I was in a car when my final photo shoot was taking place!! I was gutted but was sure that my tutors would of taken care of it. I heard it went really well and and the shoot was successful. I wanted to go for a contemporary strong look. As its very sculptural I wanted a strong pose and look and prefable a full shoot..but apparently I didn't have one as it was best to be taken they way they did i just have to wait. This was some of the images I have showed David weeks before on the kinda look I wanted. My friend Laura was kind enough to show me a company that has amazing fashion photography...KATTACA. these images are very strong and to over the top for me..but the statement and the visual impact is there and they work amazingly with he outfits. I would want to achieve the same principle with my outfit.

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