Friday 19 February 2010


As much as I hated writing my dissertation...I loved writing about it. Savile is the heart of me and it was like a journey for me and I learned allot on the way. I have always had a problem with writing essays and now that I have completed the most important one so far to date... I can evaluate how I was. I needed to slow down and check each stage. though tutorials, i got told I was too descriptive in my manor of a documentary! i had to evaluate the research I had found.

I also was lucky to have had first hand research on my dissertation by getting interviews with influential tailors like Ray Stowers(below his website). I found this to be so helpful but also was hard to do book research as I knew allot of stuff first hand experience. Having worked there for 2 years... it was allot different to what books describe it.

As I was writing, I found all the feelings that I had when I was on the Row, coming back. I didn't realise how much I missed the place and now know I defiantly want to go back and finish my trade off. I want have a trade behind me and always felt passionate about it. The dissertation helped me in so many ways and gave me a purpose on what i believe in.

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