Tuesday 16 February 2010


I went to PARIS last week for Indigo..and it was amazing! it was nice to go with uni friends and Paris is always lovely to see.
Working on the stand at Paris was amazing to show off our work. great experience and it was nice to see what other colleges had done. There was a diverse interest in what clients wanted on my days on the stand. Some really knew what they wanted and did not look for anything else, and some just wanted a bit of everything, construction , print etc. Our stand I felt was much looked more polished and clean. other college stands looked like a college stand where ours looked professional!
Although my work was not the best I had done, it didn't get shown on the stand as much as i wanted it to be, but the first day I did actually sell something to my surprise! It just proves that although it wasn't my best work, someone else took interest. design really depends on the individual... and I'm not basking on my sale but SHOWS that it really doesn't matter if its an objective view on your work..everyone has a view and option.
You can see the scale of how big it was...and this is just one part!!

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